a screenshot of wave emotion cards home page

Wave Emotion Cards 浪潮情緒卡

Wave Emotion Cards

URL: https://wavemocards.com
Project Period: Jan 2023 – Feb 2024

Leon -> Backend Developer | Database Design | System Design -> Linkedin | About Me | Resume
Elma -> Frontend Developer | Product Design | UI/UX Design —-> Linkedin | About Me

Elma and I are excited to introduce “Wave Emotional Cards”, a collaborative project that leverages our diverse skill set to build a comprehensive website aimed at supporting teachers and students in enhancing emotional expression, communication, and self-awareness. Drawing upon our expertise in various areas, including database design, backend and frontend development, UI/UX design, and cloud deployment, we are committed to creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Project Overview

Wave Emotion Cards is an interactive website that helps people understand and track their emotions. It’s like traditional “emotion cards” therapists use, but this website allows you to use them anytime, anywhere, even outside a counsellor’s office. Users can also share their emotional records with helpers like teachers, counsellors, and psychologists. The goal is to make it easy for everyone to become more aware of their emotions and keep track of their feelings, no matter where they are.

My Role

I worked on the backend development, which involved designing the database and overall system, setting up the cloud server, and managing the website’s security features, such as DNS and SSL certificates.

Research and Design

We started by talking to users and understanding their challenges and needs. We used “exploration and practice,” “design thinking,” and interviews to determine how to make the website user-friendly. Then, we worked with a therapist to design the website’s flow and user experience around emotions.
In Figma, we created prototypes of the website’s design and collected feedback from users, teachers, and therapists. This helped us improve the UI and make the website more engaging.

System and Development

We used Docker to package our app and database and then deployed them to a virtual server on Oracle Cloud. Nginx acted as a proxy to separate the database and app traffic, and we used SSL certificates to encrypt communication between the user’s browser and our server.
For security, the server only allows login with SSH key-based authentication.
The user passwords are encrypted using bcrypt hash.

Skills and Tools

Throughout this project, I gained experience with various tools and technologies, including:
Project Management: Notion, Google Drive, Google Meet
Design: Figma
Backend Development: Python, Uvicorn, FastAPI, pyJWT, Git
Database: MariaDB, SQL, PhpMyAdmin, ER Diagram
System Administration: Ubuntu, Docker, Oracle Cloud, Nginx, Bash.

Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this exciting journey of building Wave Emotional Cards and positively impacting the lives of teachers, students, and individuals worldwide.