Hi πŸ‘‹, I’m Leon. Wellcome to learn a little

About me

A current graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Edith Cowan University. Alongside my academic endeavours, I also have experience as a Backend Developer and Web Designer.


Web Designer | Software Engineer

I am a highly motivated individual, driven by a strong commitment to applying my knowledge and skills in practical, real-world settings. I constantly seek opportunities to enhance my performance and embrace new challenges that facilitate personal growth.

As a self-starter, I am unafraid to take risks and willingly invest the necessary hard work to achieve success. I embody the qualities of a true leader, inspiring others to reach their goals and readily extending a helping hand to those in need.

English, Taiwanese, Mandarin
Edith Cowan university
Perth, Western Australia
Master of Computer Science


Python | Web Design | Backend Development | WordPress Development | MariaDB | MySql | Oracle Cloud | System Analysis and Design | Ubuntu | Linux | Cyber Security | Networking | Scripting Languages | Artificial Intelligence | Project Management | MatLab | SOP Development

Education & Experience

Edith Cowan University logo

Edith Cowan University
Master of Computer Science

DICTA 2024 Web Developer Volunteer
Digital Image Computing: Techniques & Applications

I apply my knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to develop and maintain the website to ensure it meets the requirements.
I separated the code and function into components to improve the code efficiency and make it easy to maintain.

Web Designer | Software Engineer

Help small businesses create a website and ensure it runs smoothly.
Server setup and management for hosting the website.
Routine website maintenance and updates.

2023 -
Web Designer | Developer
Full House Management

- Design and develop the website.
- Ensure web development meets business requirements.
- Importing review data from third-party platforms.
- Account permissions and cyber security.

Nov 2023
Mar 2024
Operations Assistant | Airbnb Organizer
Airbnb Management Pro

I am not only ensuring the properties are clean and safe and furnishing a comfortable experience for guests but also developing and implementing a digital form system to efficiently organise property files, photos, and details, improving accessibility and enhancing team productivity.

2022 -

Find out more about me here

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